In today's Gospel Jesus says, “My Father is at work until now, so I am at work.” It is important to note how the crowd immediately reacted to His statement. The Gospel goes on to say, "For this reason they tried all the more to kill him, because he not only broke the sabbath but he also called God his own father, making himself equal to God." There are some who think that Jesus never claims divinity and never says that He is God. Yet the crowd who heard Him speak certainly thought that He did, and not just on this one occasion but multiple times in Scripture. They tried to kill Jesus for blasphemy on multiple occasions. It is for this reason that the great defender of Christianity, C.S. Lewis described Jesus as "a Lunatic, a Liar, or the Lord" or "Mad, Bad, or God." As he concludes in his book titled Mere Christianity, "Now it seems to me obvious that He was neither a lunatic nor a fiend: and consequently, however strange or terrifying or unlikely it may seem, I have to accept the view that He was and is God." .............................................................................................................................................................. En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús dice: "Mi Padre trabaja siempre y yo también trabajo". Es importante notar cómo la multitud reaccionó inmediatamente a Su declaración. El Evangelio continúa diciendo: "Por eso los judíos buscaban con mayor empeño darle muerte, ya que no sólo violaba el sábado, sino que llamaba Padre suyo a Dios, igualándose así con Dios". Hay quienes piensan que Jesús nunca reclama la divinidad y nunca dice que Él es Dios. Sin embargo, la multitud que lo escuchó hablar ciertamente pensó que lo hizo, y no solo en esta ocasión, sino en varias ocasiones en las Escrituras. Intentaron matar a Jesús por blasfemia en múltiples ocasiones. Es por esta razón que el gran defensor del cristianismo, C.S. Lewis describió a Jesús como "un Lunático, un Mentiroso o el Señor" o "Loco, Malo o Dios". Como concluye en su libro titulado Mero Cristianismo, "Ahora me parece obvio que Él no era ni un lunático ni un demonio: y en consecuencia, por extraño, aterrador o improbable que pueda parecer, debo aceptar la opinión de que Él era es Dios."