Today we hear the story of the call of 4 of the Apostles, Peter, Andrew, James, and John. They were fishermen tending their nets after a long hard unproductive night of fishing. Then this strangely charismatic itinerate preacher comes along the shore, commendeers their boat and changes their lives forever. They gave up the trade of being fishermen that day, because they finally encountered Him for whom they had awaited their whole life to see. Jesus preached that day not to the hundreds along the shore but to the two who were in the boat with him and to their two friends. He gave them everything the world wanted for them, a spectacular catch, yet it was not the fish that were caught in the net as much as it were the fisherman who had been pulled from their tranquil life of the sea. Those with the nets were caught by the one who had nothing but truth to fish with. This is the day that these four became the catch. ............................................................................................................................................................ Hoy escuchamos la historia del llamado de 4 de los Apóstoles, Pedro, Andrés, Santiago y Juan. Eran pescadores cuidando sus redes después de una larga, dura e improductiva noche de pesca. Entonces, este predicador itinerante extrañamente carismático llega a la orilla, encomia su barco y cambia sus vidas para siempre. Ese día abandonaron el oficio de pescadores, porque finalmente encontraron a Aquel a quien habían esperado ver toda su vida. Jesús predicó ese día no a los cientos que estaban en la orilla, sino a los dos que estaban en la barca con él y a sus dos amigos. Les dio todo lo que el mundo quería para ellos, una pesca espectacular, pero no fueron tanto los peces los que quedaron atrapados en la red sino el pescador que había sido arrancado de su tranquila vida en el mar. Los que tenían las redes fueron atrapados por aquel que no tenía nada más que la verdad para pescar. Este es el día en que estos cuatro fueron capturados.