Lord Jesus, God and Man, Into this earth you plunged Yourself, swaddled and surrounded by the love of a family. You wanted for nothing. You lived in austere poverty, but knew not the emptiness of want. You had no place to lay your head, but slumbered peacefully. You already had pursuers, but You knew only adorers. You were at all times safe, because You entrusted yourself to family life. It is a family that received you into this world and it is family life that still protects you now. Savior of the World and Lord of the Family, have mercy on our family and bless us. Amen. (A Family Prayer at Christmas)
Señor Jesús, Dios y Hombre, en esta tierra te sumergiste, envuelto y rodeado por el amor de una familia. No deseabas nada. Viviste en una pobreza austera, pero no conocías lo vacío del deseo. No tenías lugar para recostar tu cabeza, pero dormías plácidamente. Ya tenías perseguidores, pero sólo conocías adoradores. Estuviste en todo momento seguro, porque te encomendaste a la vida familiar. Es una familia que te recibió en el mundo y es la vida familiar que continúa protegiéndote ahora. Salvador del Mundo y Señor de la Familia, ten piedad de nuestra familia y bendícenos. Amén. (Oración de la Familia en Navidad)