"Disperse therefore, that you may not lose; spend, that you may gain. If your treasures are hoarded, you will surely throw them away; entrust them to God, for then no man plunders them. When you do business, you don’t know at all how to gain; lend to Him who gives an interest greater than the principal." St. John Chrysostom on the merit of giving alms. ............................................................................................................................................................. "Dispersa, pues, para que no pierdas; gasta para ganar. Si atesoras tus tesoros, seguramente los tirarás; entrégalos a Dios, porque nadie los saqueará. Cuando haces negocios, no haces No sé cómo ganar; preste a aquel que da un interés mayor que el principal ". San Juan Crisóstomo sobre el mérito de dar limosna.