How often we feel like the Apostles in today's Gospel. They feel like they have been asked by Christ to do the impossible, to feed 4,000 people, and not just feed them but to do so with just 7 loaves of bread and a few fish. This overwhelming task must have left them feeling inadequate and helpless. What could they possibly do for so many people to satisfy? Yet what overwhelmed them was not really the task, it was that they felt Jesus was asking them to do something about the peoples need. It is not their responsibility to solve this problem; but it however their responsibility to cooperate with Jesus in compassionately feeding His people. We so often, out of great compassion for those in need look more to the problem that needs to be solved than to the solution, who is Jesus. When we look to Him for instruction and guidance then usually He clearly and deliberately tells us what needs to be done and how He would like us to go about doing it. Jesus ordered the crowd to si, the disciples to distribute and collect and then He took care of the rest.. When we feel overwhelmed with the need of others, the demands of our life, it is then most of all that we must look to Jesus. He will calm the storm, feed the thousands, and come find us when we are lost. ............................................................................................................................................................. Con qué frecuencia nos sentimos como los apóstoles del evangelio de hoy. Sienten que Cristo les ha pedido que hagan lo imposible, alimentar a 4.000 personas, y no solo alimentarlos, sino que lo hagan con solo 7 panes y unos pocos pescados. Esta abrumadora tarea debe haberlos dejado sintiéndose inadecuados e indefensos. ¿Qué podrían hacer para satisfacer a tanta gente? Sin embargo, lo que los abrumaba no era realmente la tarea, era que sentían que Jesús les estaba pidiendo que hicieran algo sobre las necesidades de la gente. No es su responsabilidad resolver este problema; pero, sin embargo, es su responsabilidad cooperar con Jesús en la alimentación compasiva de su pueblo. Muy a menudo, por gran compasión por los necesitados, miramos más el problema que necesita ser resuelto que la solución, quién es Jesús. Cuando lo buscamos en busca de instrucción y guía, por lo general, Él nos dice clara y deliberadamente lo que hay que hacer y cómo le gustaría que lo hagamos. Jesús ordenó a la multitud que se sentara, a los discípulos a distribuir y recolectar y luego Él se encargó del resto. Cuando nos sentimos abrumados por la necesidad de los demás, las demandas de nuestra vida, es sobre todo lo que debemos buscar. Jesús. Él calmará la tormenta, alimentará a miles y vendrá a buscarnos cuando estemos perdidos.