St. John Chrysostom say s this of the encounter between Mary Magdalene and Jesus, "When He called her Mary, then she knew Him; so that the recognition was not by His appearance, but by His Voice." Mary Magdalene knew Jesus, loved Jesus, listened to His every word, watched His every action. Her love tied her tightly to him even in His death, she could not stir herself from His tomb. She longed with a desire that we all should have for Jesus. It is his calling her by name that she is awakened from her sorrow and she believed. Jesus is calling us by name. He is inviting us to see him through our grief and sorrow. To look away from the mundaneness of this world and to see Him in His glory. He is not among the dead, He has risen. Alleluia. ............................................................................................................................................................. San Juan Crisóstomo dice del encuentro entre María Magdalena y Jesús: "Cuando la llamó María, entonces ella le conoció; de modo que el reconocimiento no fue por su apariencia, sino por su voz". María Magdalena conocía a Jesús, amaba a Jesús, escuchaba cada palabra Suya, observaba cada acción Suya. Su amor la ató fuertemente a él incluso en Su muerte, ella no podía moverse de Su tumba. Anhelaba con un deseo que todos deberíamos tener por Jesús. Es su llamándola por su nombre que ella se despierta de su dolor y ella creyó. Jesús nos está llamando por nuestro nombre. Él nos está invitando a verlo a través de nuestro dolor y dolor. Apartar la mirada de lo mundano de este mundo y verlo en Su gloria. Él no está entre los muertos, Él ha resucitado. Aleluya.