Cristina Orellana - Coordinator of Spanish Religious Education
Coordinadora del Programa de Educación Religiosa
Grados: K-8 (Jardín – 11vo), Primera Comunión, Confirmación de Niños y Adultos, Catecumenado de Niños y Adultos.
Grados Jardín – 8vo: sábado de 9:30 am a 10:45 am (Clases en español)
Catecumenado niños: lunes de 6 pm a 7:15 pm (Clases en español)
Catecumenado Adultos: jueves de 7:30 pm a 9:00pm (Clases en español)
Confirmación de Adultos: jueves de 7:30 pm a 9:00 pm (Clases en español)
Deacon Anthony Calderón - Director of Religious Education
PreKindergarten - Grade 6 (English) and Grades 7 - 12 Confirmation Level I and II
Sacramental Level I and II (First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion)
Mondays 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm OR 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm OR
Tuesdays 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium: Preschool 3/5 - 5 years for Level 1
Tuesday 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Thursday 9:30-11:30
For more information please contact Deacon Anthony Calderón, 703-430-0811 ext 205
Sacramental Preparation is a minimum consecutive two-year process for
If you have a child who is older than the typical grades, he or she may still prepare to celebrate sacraments. The two-year process is still applicable. You should discuss this with the appropriate RE Staff Person.
If you have a child who is in Grade 2 or higher and has not been baptized yet or has been baptized in a different Christian denomination, you are invited to speak to a DRE about the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) or Catechumenate for Children.