Do you often find yourself without your checkbook or envelope on Sunday morning? Join the many parishioners who have already enrolled in Faith Direct for automated giving to Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church. Faith Direct is secure and convenient.
Sign up today by clicking here, or on the Faith Direct logo on the left. Our parish code is VA313. You can also pick up an enrollment form at the parish office or call Faith Direct’s toll-free number, 1-866-507-8757, for more information. Please consider taking advantage of this new way of giving. Your generosity means a great deal to our parish family. Please consider using Faith Direct today!
Thank you for your continued support both through Faith Direct and with your time and talents!
(Faith Direct is secure and convenient, and will provide you with an offertory card to place in the basket during the collections. There is no cost to you, and the program provides a great benefit to our parish. You can support us on either the 4th or the 15th of the month.)