St. Isidore the Farmer, whose feast we celebrate today, remind us of the importance of generosity towards others. He was a laborer on a farm in Madrid and found himself kind to all he encountered, man and beast alike. His wife would always have extra stew on because often on Isidore's way home he would encounter people who were poor and hungry. Inviting them home, his wife would feed them. More than once there was not enough stew to feed the number of people who came to eat, yet each time the stew never seemed to end and everyone received enough. In the middle of winter one year, as Isidore was walking home in the ice and snow with the grains of wheat he had harvested, he saw a flock of wood pidgeons trying to scratch through the ice to get to food. He poured out half his bag of precious grain for the flock to eat and was ridiculed by on lookers. Yet when he arrived at the mill, not only was his sack full again, but it produced twice the normal amount of flour. It is said that angels would plow on each side of him so that he was able to accomplish three times as much work as any other worker. St. Isidore was know for his piety and devotion, his generosity to anyone in need and his love for his Faith and his family. St. Isidore, pray for us. .............................................................................................................................................................. San Isidro Labrador , cuya fiesta celebramos hoy, nos recuerda la importancia de la generosidad hacia los demás. Trabajaba en una granja de Madrid y se mostraba amable con todos los que encontraba, hombres y bestias por igual. Su esposa siempre tenía un estofado extra porque a menudo, en el camino de Isidro a casa, se encontraba con personas pobres y hambrientas. Al invitarlos a casa, su esposa los alimentaría. Más de una vez no hubo suficiente guiso para alimentar a la cantidad de personas que vinieron a comer, pero cada vez el guiso nunca pareció terminar y todos recibieron lo suficiente. Un año en pleno invierno, mientras Isidro caminaba hacia su casa en el hielo y la nieve con los granos de trigo que había cosechado, vio una bandada de palomas torcaces que intentaban arañar el hielo para llegar a la comida. Derramó la mitad de su bolsa de grano precioso para que comiera el rebaño y los espectadores lo ridiculizaron. Sin embargo, cuando llegó al molino, no solo su saco estaba lleno de nuevo, sino que produjo el doble de la cantidad normal de harina. Se dice que los ángeles ararían a cada lado de él para que pudiera realizar tres veces más trabajo que cualquier otro trabajador. San Isidoro era conocido por su piedad y devoción, su generosidad hacia los necesitados y su amor por su Fe y su familia. San Isidro, ruega por nosotros.