"How many courtiers there are, who go into the presence of the King, a hundred times, not to speak to him, or to listen to him, but merely to be seen by him and to show by their assiduity that they are his servants. When, then, you come into the presence of Our Lord speak to Him, if you can; if you cannot, because you are spiritually hoarse, stay nevertheless, and make Him a reverence," - St. Francis de Sales ............................................................................................................................................................. “Cuántos cortesanos hay, que van cien veces a la presencia del Rey, no para hablarle, ni para escucharle, sino sólo para ser vistos por él y mostrar con su asiduidad que son sus servidores. Entonces, cuando vengas a la presencia de Nuestro Señor, háblale, si puedes, si no puedes, porque estás espiritualmente ronco, quédate sin embargo, y hazle una reverencia", - San Francisco de Sales