For those celebrating Confirmation AND First Communion:
You should attend a meeting on Saturday Oct. 21 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm in the Pastoral Wing, where Religious Education Classes are held.
This meeting will go over the sacraments of Reconciliation (confession) and Communion.
After the meeting, candidates will be able to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation in the Guadalupe Chapel starting at 4:00 pm.
ALL CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES AND SPONSORS are encouraged to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation before the Confirmation Mass.
The Confirmation Rehearsal in on Monday, Oct. 23 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
Candidates and Sponsors must attend this rehearsal. If a sponsor cannot attend, a responsible adult must attend and relay the information to the sponsor.
We will rehearse the Confirmation Rite and the Liturgical Music for the Mass.
Our Music Director, Claire Schweppe recommends the following YouTube Links to help candidates prepare.
This is not all the music, but it is some of the most prominent music used during the mass. The Mass in bilingual, but not all the videos are. Candidates should be familiar with the tunes.
The Mass begins at 7:00 pm on Tuesday Oct. 24th. PARENTS, plan to arrive much earlier than this.
The Bishop wants to meet with ALL CANDIDATES in Atonement Hall at 6:30 PM
The Bishop's Master of Ceremonies will meet with ALL SPONSORS around the same time in the Church. Sponsors should go to their assigned seats.
The Mass is bilingual. A full worship aid containing all the music and all the Assembly Responses in English and Spanish will be available to assist in ful and active participation by all.