Both yesterday and today, the church leaves us with Judas for our spiritual reflection. As the Gospel says today, that what is supposed to happen to the Son of Man, will happen to him, "but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed." If we were all kids reenacting the Last Supper, none of us would want to be Judas. Certainly he is not one of the apostles that any of us like to identify with, yet Judas has a few unique lessons to teach us. 1) Do not take matters into your own hands; acting without God, is act against God. 2) Don't leave the party early. Instead surround yourself with good friends because they will keep you out of trouble. 3) It might make you feel important to hold the money bag, but with that same responsibility comes the danger of pride and selfishness instead of service and generosity. Finally 4) Don't take food off of another person's plate at dinner party, it just means your a jerk and you are probably going to betray them. Seriously, may we never feel too important, too useful, too needed or too relied upon. If you wish to be first, than be the servant of all.