Both our reading from Jeremiah as well as John's Gospel has the image of being surrounded by enemies. Jeremiah's life is in danger, the Hebrew people do not want to hear nor heed his message. Therefore, his own people are seeking to take his life. We see the same situation with Jesus, as the Jews are seeking to stone Him. In both situations the one whose life is in danger has no fear. They both know that they are simply being faithful to what they have been asked to do. Jeremiah's confidence is in the Lord; and Jesus is confident in that He is doing the will of the Father. We too may feel surrounded on all sides, and like "terror [is] on every side", but we to should fear not that which threatens our life. Just like Jeremiah we to should have confidence to say, "The Lord is with me, like a mighty champion, my persecutors will stumble, they will not triumph."